Oh. My. God.
Kurkkasin tänään viltin alta, höyryävän teekupposen takaa Elloksen syksyyn. Oli ihan hieraistava rillejä varmistaakseni poistuinko vahingossa sivuilta toisille, mutta ei, Elloksella yhä oltiin.
Syksyn uutuuksissa on tarjolla kaikkea kivaa kotiin, mutta eniten iloista ihmetystä aiheutti melkoisen kiva tapettivalikoima. Niitä ihaillessani törmäsin kovin tutun näköiseen salmiakkiruututapettiin. Hetkinen.. Sehän on ferm LIVINGin tapetti! Eli juuri sitä mihin ihastuin messuillakin.
Ihan into pinkeenä oisin noita kaikkia ihanuuksia tilaamassa, mutta ainakin hetki pitää vielä malttaa.. Enkä tiedä mitä ottaisin - kun voisin ottaa vaikka kaikki! Ruututapettia harmaana, vai ehkä sittenkin minttuna vai tuota söpöä puputapettia mut ainakin tuo jo niin-nähty seinätarrakalenteri. Mut tosi kiva että noita kaikkia voi nyt tilata helposti postitse ja maksaa erissä. Ei hyvä ;)
Photos from here.
Oh. My. God.
Today I looked under the blanket and from behind a steaming cup of tea Ellos autumn. I had to wiped off my glasses to make sure had I left by accident to site to the other, but no, I was still on Ellos.
Today I looked under the blanket and from behind a steaming cup of tea Ellos autumn. I had to wiped off my glasses to make sure had I left by accident to site to the other, but no, I was still on Ellos.
There was everything nice to home, but the most joyful amazement caused quite a nice selection of wallpapers. And there was also a very familiar-looking harlequin wallpaper. Wait a minute .. That's ferm LIVING wallpaper! So, exactly what I fell in love at the fair.
I'd be pretty excited to order all those lovelies, but I still need the patience to wait .. and besides I don`t know what I would order - I could take it all! Gray harlequin wallpaper, or perhaps, mint green or that cute little bunny wallpaper.. but at least that already so-last-season wall sticker calendar. But really nice that all of those can now easily order by mail and pay in installments. Not good ;)
I'd be pretty excited to order all those lovelies, but I still need the patience to wait .. and besides I don`t know what I would order - I could take it all! Gray harlequin wallpaper, or perhaps, mint green or that cute little bunny wallpaper.. but at least that already so-last-season wall sticker calendar. But really nice that all of those can now easily order by mail and pay in installments. Not good ;)